Tässä tulee listaa niistä maista, joista on kävijöitä ollut / Here's a list of the countries from which people have visited my blog:
- Alankomaat / The Netherlands
- Argentiina / Argentina
- Australia
- Barbados
- Brasilia / Brazil
- Burma - Myanmar
- Chile
- Ecuador
- Egypti / Egypt
- Etelä-Korea / South Korea
- Indonesia
- Intia / India
- Iso-Britannia / United Kingdom
- Italia / Italy
- Kanada / Canada
- Kiina / China
- Kolumbia / Colombia
- Kreikka / Greece
- Latvia
- Luxemburg / Luxembourg
- Malesia / Malaysia
- Moldova
- Marokko / Morocco
- Nigeria
- Norja / Norway
- Pakistan
- Panama
- Peru
- Portugal
- Puola / Poland
- Ranska / France
- Ruotsi / Sweden
- Saksa / Germany
- Serbia
- Slovenia
- Suomi / Finland
- Taipei
- Tanska / Denmark
- Tsekki / the Czech Republic
- Ukraina / Ukraine
- Uusi-Seelanti / New Zealand
- Venäjä / Russia
- Vietnam
- Viro / Estonia
If you're from a country that's not listed here, please comment here. The counters probably don't show all the visitors as Blogger's own counter shows different countries than the flag counter does. So weird!
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